Phenomena Gaming Update

Hello everyone,

I’ve been in the midst of field research this summer so I have been pouring my creative energy toward a few different projects but I have some news about the future of Phenomena Gaming over the Fall and upcoming content.

First, I am adding my interview with HighleyGinger onto the main website today. This should have been done last week but I fell behind. It’s been done for over a week and advertised via socials but not linked on the page. That is done now. This is a really good interview where we talk a lot about critical engagement.

Second, I will be looking for a pilot group of 6-8 people to help me test Phenomena Gaming’s First Curriculum which will be out in the middle of September. My conversation with HighleyGinger made me think a lot about first steps for future growth and writing a curriculum on critical engagement. I am in the process of creating this curriculum now. Normally this program will have a cost attached to it but for this pilot round, all participants will be able to do the program free of charge. This pilot session will include 7 weekly Zoom calls and reflections to do individually. Part of the pilot will be discussions of fair value and pricing in addition to course material.

I want to share a bit about my pricing philosophy. First, I think most coaches charge way too much for an average person to receive education. I want my material to be accessible for anyone who wants to learn. Second, if I could offer my services for free and have enough money coming from elsewhere, I would do that, but my investments aren’t built up yet to do that. Third, I will have expenses coming up to do these programs as I will need to buy my own Zoom account more than likely and continue to maintain this website as well as make a little profit so I can get new equipment for recording. However, all of this is to say, because of life’s practicalities, I need to make some money, but I also never want cost to prohibit someone from participating in Phenomena Gaming programs. Eventually, I hope to have co-op memberships which would provide discounts for any course offered.

Souls of Chronos screenshot from my PS5 and the feeling of creating new work in its infancy.

Third, long-term I’m thinking about the possibility of a physical location and what I would offer in a physical location. My vision is for Phenomena Gaming to run as a co-op. This would result in higher wages for employees as well as ownership status and the ability to give sales to co-op members. I have to learn a few business management skills; however, I think there is a potential opportunity for a new business model for game sales as Gamestop is continuing to close physical locations. Stay tuned for more information as this will be a couple years down the road at the earliest.

I am appreciative of all the fans, readers, and podcast listeners for Phenomena Gaming. It has been a great journey thus far, albeit a little inconsistent for me at times. However, I have learned a lot as a content creator and continue to meet great people along the way. Please let me know your thoughts in the “X” or Bluesky thread and if you want to participate in the pilot of our first ever course.


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